The Scanning Solution for Production Conversion of Roll Film
The FlexScan® scanning solution provides a complete package of hardware, software, training and support to give you the best solution for the conversion of your rollfilm to the highest quality digital images possible.
The FlexScan scanning solution includes:
PC (optional)
High Resolution Lens with LuminTec™ Lighting Technology
NextStar PLUS Workflow Software Platform
Optional Ribbon Storage Device (RSD)
The system can handle all of the unique properties of rollfilm, in addition to microfiche and aperture card scanning including:
Scanning of COM microfiche
Title bar information
Variable size documents and image positions
Multiple fiche file formats
Variable indexing to digital files
Captures up to 3 levels of blips
Enhancement of signatures and handwritten data on filmed images
Unique scanner features:
FlexScan 400 can scan 16mm roll film at 400ppm (6:39 minutes per roll)
FlexScan 600 can scan 16mm roll film at 600ppm (4:54 minutes per roll)
FlexScan 800 can scan 16mm roll film at 800ppm (3:40 minutes per roll)
Scan aperture cards and oversized fiche, including ultra and mini fiche sizes
Optional AutoLoader for fiche and aperture cards
Quick, silent, and accurate
Customizable for all fiche formats
Holds up to 200 microfiche, 150 jackets or 100 aperture cards